Interview with Umar Munshi

Interview with Umar Munshi : HASAN.VC’s Bold Vision for a More Ethical Economy


  • HASAN.VC is focused on nurturing and investing in startups that align profitability with societal impact and sustainability
  • Runs 8-week online accelerator programs for early-stage startups in Southeast Asia and the GCC 
  • Drives the expansion of the halal economy, leveraging ethical principles to drive inclusive growth
  • Forges partnerships in these two regions, creating a network that supports and amplifies ethical business practices
  • Invites broad investor participation, aiming to democratize venture capital investment and channel funds to over 40 startups

Embarking on a transformative journey of ethical investment and innovation, HASAN.VC stands as a pioneering force, reshaping the economic landscape through the lens of integrity and sustainability. HASAN.VC carves a unique path within the halal economy and beyond, bringing to life the profound essence of its namesake, “Hasan,” an Arabic word that embodies goodness and beauty. This guiding principle illuminates HASAN.VC’s mission, driving its commitment to nurturing startups that aspire not just to succeed in business, but to contribute positively to society and uphold ethical values.

Nurturing a Future Rooted in Ethical Innovation

“Our vision extends far beyond the realm of financial gain. We are on a quest to foster a community of innovators whose ambitions match their commitment to ethical and sustainable growth,” explains Managing Partner Umar Munshi. The accelerator program is not just a launchpad for startups; it’s a comprehensive program to cultivate values-driven entrepreneurship, encouraging businesses to operate with a conscience and to strive towards rectifying the economic disparities that challenge our world.

In the bustling markets of Southeast Asia and the Gulf States, where innovation meets entrepreneurial spirit, HASAN.VC emerges as a beacon of hope and progress. Its mission goes beyond the traditional venture capital model, aiming to create a vibrant community of startups that are as passionate about making a difference in the world as they are about achieving financial success. At the core of this vision lies the HASAN.VC accelerator program, an immersive 8-week online journey meticulously designed to equip early-stage tech startups with the critical tools, knowledge, and capital they need to thrive and make an enduring impact.

Empowerment Through Ethical Principles

“The halal economy is ripe with opportunities, teeming with startups eager to innovate and redefine what it means to be successful in today’s world,” Umar notes. “These startups aren’t just creating products or services; they’re pioneering a new economic landscape—one where equity, justice, and sustainability are at the forefront.”

The spirit of HASAN.VC is deeply intertwined with the empowerment of startups that aim for more than just profitability. By supporting scalable ventures that integrate seamlessly with the ethical tenets of the halal lifestyle, HASAN.VC seeks to expand the boundaries of the halal economy, ensuring its benefits reach humanity at large.

A Comprehensive Ecosystem for Nurturing Success

“Stepping into the entrepreneurial world comes with its fair share of hurdles,” Umar acknowledges. “We aspire to be more than just an accelerator; we aim to be a guiding force, offering a nurturing ecosystem that addresses the wide-ranging needs of startups, from financial stability to strategic growth and ethical alignment.”

Umar, a Singaporean, has been an entrepreneur for more than 2 decades, starting his journey at the age of 18. What sets HASAN.VC apart is its comprehensive, holistic approach to supporting startups. Beyond offering financial backing, HASAN.VC provides startups with funding, strategic advisory services, mentorship, market access, and access to a significant consumer base for product testing. This well-rounded support ensures that startups are strategically positioned for sustainable success and positive societal impact.

Unleashing the Potential of the Halal Economy

With the halal market projected to reach unprecedented heights in the coming years, HASAN.VC is at the forefront of tapping into this sector’s vast potential. Southeast Asia, with its dynamic and youthful Muslim demographic, serves as an ideal breeding ground for innovative initiatives powered by HASAN.VC’s accelerator program. This focus not only underscores the intrinsic value of these markets but also sets the stage for broader expansion and inclusivity, reflecting HASAN.VC’s dedication to democratizing venture capital investment and enabling wider participation in ethical, impactful ventures.

Islamic Finance: A Vanguard of Ethical and Sustainable Finance

Islamic Finance: A Vanguard of Ethical and Sustainable Finance

The Islamic finance sector, poised for significant growth, exemplifies the ethical revolution that HASAN.VC champions. Characterized by its adherence to principles of social welfare and ethical investment, Islamic finance is ripe for innovation, offering fertile ground for startups that seek to provide inclusive financial solutions. HASAN.VC stands at the heart of this transformation, championing ventures that align with its vision of justice, equity, and empowerment, and driving forward a financial revolution grounded in ethical practices.

Fostering a World Enriched by Ethical Businesses

HASAN.VC’s mission transcends the boundaries of the halal economy, aiming to weave lasting connections throughout the global economic fabric. By nurturing strategic partnerships across various industries and regions, HASAN.VC envisions a future where ethical and halal businesses thrive and significantly contribute to societal and environmental well-being. This vision of a united, inclusive business ecosystem between two vibrant economic regions emphasises the collective journey toward surmounting global challenges through practices rooted in integrity and responsibility.

Charting a Course Towards a Brighter Future

Charting a Course Towards a Brighter Future

HASAN.VC targets to fund the 8 to 12 or the top startups from each of its accelerator cohorts, aiming for 4 cohorts over 2024 and 2025. Its first cohort is planned to kick off in mid-2024, for startups in Southeast Asia. It will then launch its next cohort for GCC startups in the third quarter of 2024. Each new cohort of startups brings us closer to realizing a global economy where ethical business practices are not the exception but the norm. By inviting a diverse community of investors, entrepreneurs, and visionaries to join this pioneering mission, HASAN.VC is not just investing in startups; it’s investing in the future—a future where business success is measured not only by financial achievements but by the positive impact on society and the environment.

Inspiring a Global Movement Toward Ethical Entrepreneurship

“We’re not merely accelerating business growth; we’re championing a global shift towards more conscious, sustainable, and equitable business practices,” Umar states with conviction. 

The journey of HASAN.VC and its supported startups is a beacon of inspiration, showcasing the power of ethical entrepreneurship to address the world’s most pressing challenges. This movement transcends geographical boundaries and industry sectors, uniting a global community around the shared values of integrity, sustainability, and justice.

A Call to Action for Ethical Innovation

“Join our community as we embark on this transformative journey, targeting over 40 startups in the next two years to redefine the landscape of ethical innovation,” Umar encourages. “Together, we can build an enduring legacy that transcends profit, one that is rooted in the principles of Hasan and leaves a lasting impact on the world, long after our own lifetimes.”

HASAN.VC extends a heartfelt invitation to all who share in its vision of a more ethical, just, and sustainable world to apply to be a member of its angel investor community. By democratizing access to venture capital investment and lowering the barriers to entry, HASAN.VC empowers its private community to participate in and benefit from the growth of ethical startups. 

Beyond Metrics: Shaping the Future of Global Business

“Through our efforts, we aspire to lead by example, demonstrating how businesses can flourish while contributing positively to society and the planet,” Umar reflects.

The impact of HASAN.VC stretches far beyond traditional business metrics, fostering a new era of businesses that prioritize ethical values, social responsibility, and sustainability. Through its comprehensive support for startups, HASAN.VC is not just a catalyst for economic growth but a leader in the movement towards a more mindful and conscientious global marketplace. 

Beyond Metrics: Shaping the Future of Global Business

As HASAN.VC propels forward, it embodies the true spirit of innovation, ethics, and justice, marking the dawn of a new era in global business. With every startup nurtured, every partnership forged, and every community engaged, HASAN.VC is not just navigating the present; it’s shaping a future where the principles of goodness, beauty, and integrity define success. This vision for the future, where businesses operate with a conscience and strive for a positive impact on the world, is what HASAN.VC stands for—a testament to the enduring legacy of Hasan that will inspire generations to come.

In the confluence of faith, innovation, and entrepreneurship, HASAN.VC and its accelerator program emerge as pioneering forces, redefining the essence of business success in the global economy. With a clear vision, a commitment to ethical principles, and a vibrant community of partners, HASAN.VC is set to transform the landscape of the global economy, fostering an ecosystem where inclusivity, ethics, and sustainability are valued and celebrated. This is the future HASAN.VC envisions and invites the world to join in creating—a future where every business endeavour is a step towards a more just, equitable, and beautiful world.